Computational Electromagnetics (CEM)

Advanced electromagnetic simulation with high accuracy and scalability

Software M3


The simulator

The SC7-B group has been working since 1996 on the development of a high-performance electromagnetic simulator based on full-wave solutions, therefore rigorous/exact. This simulator was initially known as HEMCUVE and is now known as M3. This simulator has three characteristics that make it competitive: accuracy, speed and scalability.

The code was born at the University of Vigo, but with the collaboration of two researchers at the University of Extremadura (Luis Landesa and José Manuel Taboada, both currently professors at the University of Extremadura), therefore, a code with roots in both the University of Vigo and the University of Extremadura.

A highly advanced product

M3 software features

Integral combinations

It allows to combine all variants of the integral equations for electric and magnetic fields: T-EFIE, T-MFIE, N-EFIE, N-MFIE, N-MFIE, JMCFIE, PMCHWT, CTF, CNF; which is indispensable to accurately model really complex problems, including many different materials and high levels of detail and operating in a very high frequency range.

Multi-region functions

It includes Multi-region (MR) basis functions to ensure compliance with boundary conditions in regions of electrical contact between multiple materials. These functions prevent the occurrence of spurious solutions that would detract from the reliability of the predictions reached.

Guaranteed accuracy

It includes extraction and analytical evaluation of the singular and hypersingular integrals of the three-dimensional Green’s function and its spatial derivatives, which is a fundamental requirement to ensure the accuracy/accuracy of the simulation.

Advanced decomposition

It incorporates a very advanced Integral Equation Domain Decomposition Method (IE-DDM) algorithm, which allows isolating and effectively solving highly complex problems with a strong multiscale component, such as those required in real problems. In a real problem, different levels of complexity, level of detail and materials are combined.

Scalable parallelisation

The inclusion of the MLFMA-FFT algorithm and its parallelisation with OpenMP and MPI allow the use of large computational resources (clusters of servers). This method, one of the three most important advances in HPC for electromagnetics, allows M3 software to solve large problems and characterise real problems with high scalability.

High capacity and competitiveness

Leadership in electromagnetic simulation

The M3 simulation software is based on the exact solution of Maxwell’s equations in their integral form, which is the most accurate and versatile alternative for solving electromagnetic simulation problems. M3 is, today, one of the most powerful, fast and accurate full-wave electromagnetic analysis codes in the world, having achieved a prestigious and leading position worldwide. HEMCUVE/M3 has won major international scientific awards* and for many years held the world record in computational electromagnetics, achieved in August 2010 by solving a real electromagnetic problem with more than one billion unknowns.

Una embarcación naval

The accuracy/validity of the simulations performed with the M3 code has been certified by CEMEDEM (Centre for Electromagnetic Measurements of the Navy) by means of several measurement campaigns on board various ships. The M3 software is not a commercial product; it is a product under constant development, hence its high capacity and competitiveness. Its use is offered to the industrial and production sectors in SaaS mode. It has been successfully used in numerous projects, including, among others, the design of the electromagnetic topside fabric of the Spanish Navy’s new generation ships over the last 20 years (E3).