Legal Notice

Ownership of the website is an internet domain owned by:

Av. de las Ciencias, Norte, 10004 Cáceres

Em3Works, through this web space, provides different users with access to and use of services and information related both to its field of activity and, if applicable, provided by third parties.

This website and all its contents, including texts, images, codes, and any other material, are the property of Em3Works or third parties who have authorised its use.

The information and elements disclosed through these pages are protected by Spanish and international laws on Industrial and Intellectual Property. Therefore, reproduction, distribution, and public communication are prohibited without the express authorisation of Em3Works.

Terms and conditions of use

Any person who accesses and uses this website is considered a user. Being a user implies full acceptance of the conditions established in this Legal Notice and any specific conditions that may be established for certain services and utilities. Users commit to acting in accordance with these conditions and to comply with legal regulations, as well as the instructions and notices made known to them.

The total or partial reproduction of the contents of this website without citing the source or requesting authorization is prohibited.

Em3Works is not responsible for the misuse that users may make of the contents of its website and reserves the right to update, modify, retain, delete, or prevent access to any content that appears on it or to close it without prior notice.

Em3Works is not responsible for the content located outside its website, on third-party websites, which can be accessed through links on this website.

Em3Works will not be responsible for possible damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, malfunctions, or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, caused by reasons beyond Em3Works’s control, or as a consequence of adjustments or technical problems of its own; nor for damages that may be caused by computer viruses and by third parties through illegal intrusions beyond Em3Works’s control.

Em3Works reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions established in this Legal Notice.